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Combining Processing and Storage Information

:!: This documentation needs to be updated to describe the current implementation


To avoid the database duplication we should store the dataset related information only in the storage (openBIS) and processing related information in the database of the workflow manager. To provide meaningful information we should be able to display both information.

Possible solution

OpenBIS has an API to query dataset related information. The workflow manager should also provide an API (like ibrain's RestFul API) to query all the processing related information. We only need to store keys on both sides, then the gui can display the necessary details.

Keys for connecting the databases:

Where to store the Information

Database of the workflow manager

Here we should store every information which is needed for the scheduling of the processing steps. These are:

Storage (OpenBIS)

Here we should store every dataset related information.

On the cluster

Here we can store or acces information which shows the status of the system or running processes.
