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Cluster cache properties


Absolute path to the root directory where the dataset cache is found in the processing scratch space.



Expiration period (in hours) for the dataset entries in the cache. Datasets older than this period can be purged from the cache.

Optional, defaults to '-1', meaning that expiration is disabled.


Name of the java class used to check if the cluster cache is full.

Optional, defaults to '', which assumes that the cache is never full.


Size (in kilobytes) of the highwater mark in the dataset cache. It represents the minimum free space which should be always available.

Optional, defaults to '0', meaning that there is no highwater mark to take into account.


The maximum size (in kilobytes) which this application is allowed to use for the cache (quota).

Optional, defaults to '-1', meaning that there is no limit.


Name of the java class used to select the datasets to evict from the cache when the cache is full.

Optional, defaults to '', which selects the datasets to evict depending on the state of the current and pending modules.


Size in kilobytes or in percentage of the cache total size to free up when the cache is full. The bee will try to free up at least this size.

Optional, defaults to '0'.

Examples: “1048576” (for 1GB), “30%”

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beewm/devel/system_configuration.txt · Last modified: 2013/07/25 12:31 by epujadas